

  • The Grapat sets favor creative and divergent thinking.
  • Free play allows our children to connect with their deepest desire and develop the activity they need.
  • The unstructured and open-ended play objects do not have a correct or incorrect way to be used, so we work without instructions.
  • The materials used are open to guide the child through all its learning phases. The pieces can be transformed into symbolic material for the creation of stories and the construction of small worlds but can also serve for mathematical, language or sensory games.

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GRAPAT provides material without instructions, open-ended and autonomous play. Their only premise is to let children play, slowly, without time limits. Grapat hand crafts materials that encourage, invite and stimulate the creation of invented little worlds. Grapat is made following traditional processes, in the old way, with thick soft raw materials, natural dyes which let the wood veins be seen and vibrant coloured waxes and oils that slightly shine. The products are painted by hand, homemade, surrounded by nature and many children nearby that inspire the makers daily.
The wood we use comes from sustainable forests. Grapat uses beech and birch. Wood is the source that inspires us daily. It is robust, soft and hard, it is warm, it sounds good and it smells good.
