

  • The Grapat 18 Brots from Oskar's Wooden Ark are the wonderfully simple yet classic wooden peg dolls that Grapat are known for.
  • Each is made from natural materials and following the Waldorf philosophies, have no gender or mood allowing the child to develop their own stories and characters with each Brot encouraging imagination and creativity.
  • They can be used alone or combined with other toys to create miniature worlds, be part of a puzzle, used in mathematical problems, language development or sensory play – the possibilities are endless.

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18 wonderfully colourful Brots figures from wooden toy makers Grapat. The word Brots is the Catalan word for buds and with the array of colours they can represent budding flowers in spring. These little figures will fire up children's imaginations and can be used in all kinds of play and games. A great addition to any loose part play set.
